Quality is of utmost importance here at Orgain and so is your feedback. We take all feedback very seriously. If you have encountered a quality issue with an Orgain product, we would like to hear from you to investigate it and help make it right!
To report a quality issue, please click on the link below, and select Product > Concern. To speed up the process and to reduce delays, please include as much detailed information on the specific Orgain product in question, nature of the quality issue, and your contact information. If possible, please include a photo of the front label of the Orgain product and batch stamp* so we can confirm the best by date, lot code, and time stamp with the Quality Assurance team.
Product Concern Form: https://form.jotform.com/220835518999169
*Note, the batch stamp information is stamped on the bottom of every Orgain powder product canister, the top portion or cap of every Orgain ready-to-drink shake or almond carton, and on every Orgain protein bar wrapper.